I love experimenting with After Effects and other animation tools to bring my work to life. Having focused on animation for my Art and Design minor in my undergraduate degree, my courses have sparked a lifelong interest in motion design!
September 2020 - Present
Procreate, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Illustrator
I like to have fun whenever I’m given complete creative freedom. My video essay application for the MHCI program at Carnegie Mellon was designed in Illustrator, animated in After Effects, and edited in Premiere Pro. Though I was admitted into the program, I ultimately chose to accept my admission to Cornell Tech instead.
A simple intro and outro video for Chartmetric’s live webinar series: Off the Charts. Since there weren’t any specific requirements for this project, I mostly followed the sounds of the music to inform the motion design.
Sounds from freesound and Date Night.
Though I was meant to study abroad in Australia for the duration of Winter 2020, I had to leave the country early as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, instead of returning to America, I ended up going to Taiwan to be with my family. Due to subsequent health concerns regarding the pandemic, I ultimately chose to stay in Taiwan for the duration of my senior year and took my classes completely online. This final animation project illustrated the places I’ve traveled throughout my life and how COVID impacted my journey.
Sounds and music from freesound.
For this project, we were prompted to create a ten-second loop crystallizing a short story or idea drawn from our lives. I chose to make a piece illustrating the state of my mind as I tried to attend university during a pandemic.
Sounds from freesound.
This stop motion final challenged me to mix stop motion and digital animation techniques. A few months prior to this project, my cousin and I visited Tainan, Taiwan: a city teeming with historical and religious buildings. Drawn to the traditional architectures of the Buddhist temples and their vibrant colors, I wanted to animated something using them as inspiration.
Music from freesound.
Learning After Effects was a huge learning curve, but I now really enjoy making short animations in the software. My Art and Design courses really sparked my interest in animation, and I love incorporating motion in my work now!